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L'eau bleue
Maureen Lyons
Member of ISAP, International Association of Applied Psychoanalysis

Analytical therapist

“Psychoanalysis is helping people become what they are” – Françoise Dolto

Why do therapy?

The initiative to consult a psychotherapist (in therapy) is the first step towards a release from one's own suffering and internal conflicts.

Analytical psychotherapy, like psychoanalysis, is a therapy that focuses on speaking and listening. of all his thoughts, dreams, emotions, anxieties and traumas.  During therapy, the patient can become aware of the root of these psychic conflicts and free himself from them.

The Ericksonian hypnosis method is very effective in improving and treating many problems:

  • Stress management

  • Sleep difficulties

  • Pain

  • Dependencies

  • Fears and Phobias

  • Self-confidence

Sable blanc et pierre
Renverser du sable

Analytical psychotherapy is based on the same principles and theories proposed by Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis. environment and those around us. It is an in-depth therapy that will allow profound change through awareness and modification of belief patterns.

It is a therapy suitable for everyone. EMDR works equally well for children, adolescents, and adults. It allows the disappearance of the symptoms, a detachment and a conscious release from the traumatic obstacle. Patients have more clarity of mind.

Since 2013 The World Health Organization recommends this method of psychotherapy for the treatment of traumatic disorders in adults and children.

Balade au bord de la mer
Psychotherapeute montpellier
My Path

I’m a native New Yorker, born and raised in a large family from Irish, English, Italian origine.  This connection with different  personalities and heritages intrigued my curiosity of our multicultural world.

Make an appointment remotely or in office on Montpellier 



Tél ✆ 06 82 06 88 98

Lun - Sam : 8h - 20h

49 Boulevard Berthelot 34000 Montpellier

Merci pour votre envoi !

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